Health Related Conditioned Issues related to Temperament

Julie Hoschek Walz
3 min readJun 24, 2021

Have you ever wondered why that gnawing stomach ache that comes and goes has no clear cut definitive cause?

I have been working with chronic illness clients for over a year now and have been tracking temperament, behavior, beliefs, trauma and symptoms. What I have found to be true and evident.

Temperament plays a role in overall life outcomes. Behavior is affected by temperament, beliefs and trauma. Beliefs are acquired consciously and subconsciously. Subconsciously we are guided by our instinct and our temperament is a preprogrammed based instinctive reactionary response to our environment. Understanding one’s Temperament, in my practice, is the foundational approach to understanding how a person behaves, responds, and reacts.

As I have learned through my own chronic illness journey, our bodies react to what our minds subconsciously and consciously are reacting to. So, when we are reacting to others, situations, events.. our minds send signals to the body to react. As we learn throughout life what makes us feel safe emotionally our bodies learn to react to safety. This may mean that feeling safe is calm, relaxed, present, rest and digest is easy, muscle relaxed, cardio output is steady, processes running at a normal rate. When we are chronically ill our bodies are at a state of high arousal, undertow of angst and heightened sensitivity to our environment. Often times when this happens, emotions are high, fear, stress, anger, distrust and failure beliefs creep into our subconsious thinking. Most chronic illness patients will tell you I do not fear death.. I fear suffering. However, when asked to define what suffering means to them… suffering aligns to all the feelings they are currently feeling.

As I begin to assess their temperament and overall beliefs system .. I recognize the correlation to how a person naturally responds to their life and how it manifests within their bodies. One of the temperaments that I have found to be most correlated to chronic illness, specifically stomach related, conditioned fatigue and overall heightened immune response is Phlegmatic. Phlegmatics typically struggle with making decisions, trusting their gut instinct, they over compensate and override their own needs to please others and are often drained very easily. I believe that Phlegmatics are born with lower brain energy output. I believe that phlegmatics instinctively struggle with connecting to their gut needs and outcomes generally do not work in their favor. Hence life outcomes can heavily affect their overall sense of well being.

I have tested many chronic illness patients and most temperament assessments align to strong phlegmatic behavior traits. NOW, this does not mean that other temperaments do not also have conditioned illness outcomes. However, the chronic illnesses patients that I have tested 95% of them have a primary or secondary temperament trait that is classified phlegmatic.

I am a secondary phlegmatic and suffered from chronic illness for over 14 years. I recognized key phlegmatic behavior traits that created the perfect opportunity for me to become susceptible to sickness and health related issues. If you are curious as to what temperament you are.. please message me as I do temperament assessments. If you are dealing with a conditioned health related outcome and want to learn more about self healing, please email me at If I can heal .. you can too!!



Julie Hoschek Walz

Podcaster, Personal/Professional Development Coaching, Mental Peak Performance Coaching, Flip N' Shift Self Healing Program, Earthroamer87, Mom and Amazing Wife